In 2014, Indiana legislators moved forward with a bill that was intended to withdraw the state from Common Core. However, the final version passed included a requirement for the new state standards to be in compliance with Federal standards under the No Child Left Behind Act. A new bill would amend the law, removing this provision.
House Bill 1099 (HB1099) was introduced on Jan. 8 by Rep. Curt Nisly (R-Goshen). If successful, this bill would serve as a strong rebuke against federal education policy. Depending on what state standards are developed, Common Core could effectively be nullified in the state of Indiana as a result of this legislation.
State-based educational standards would no longer have to “comply with federal standards to receive a flexibility waiver” under U.S. Code if HB1099 is passed. This safeguards Indiana children from Common Core and other federal schemes looking to centralize power over local public schools. HB1099 takes control from unaccountable Washington D.C. bureaucrats and puts it back into the hands of the people.
The Constitution is very clear on this issue. The feds have no business meddling in classrooms across the country, or even creating federal standards as they did with the republican-backed No Child Left Behind Act. While we’re not exactly enthusiastic about the state getting involved in education, they are not prohibited by the Constitution to do so, and it is far better than allowing D.C. to dictate what is taught to children thousands of miles away without any practical means of seeking redress.
Rejecting nationalized education standards is the first steps toward bringing true academic choice, and freedom. Passage of this legislation would represent a positive step forward for the people of Indiana and a path for other states to follow.
1. Contact your state representative, and encourage them to support the bill. Contact info here:
2. Contact the speaker of the house. Politely, but firmly, let him know that you want to see this bill get a debate and vote on the house floor. Rep. Brian C. Bosma (R-Indianapolis)
3. Contact any local or state grassroots groups you know of and ask them to help spread the word about this bill.
4. Share this information by email and social media.