Kansas SB67 and HB2292 would ban common core. SB67 must pass successfully through the Senate Committee on Education, and HB2292 must pass successfully through the House Committee on Education before they can receive full votes in their respective chambers. Take the following steps to support these bills.


1. Call the Senate Committee on Education Chair, Steve Abrams. Strongly, but respectfully urge him to move this important bill forward to a vote in his committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.


2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on SB67.

Tom Arpke (R) Vice Chair 785-296-7369
Anthony Hensley (D) 785-296-3245
Molly Baumgardner (R) 785-296-7368
Steve Fitzgerald (R) 785-296-7357
Dan Kerschen (D) 785-296-7353
Jeff Melcher (R) 785-296-7301
Pat Pettey (D) 785-296-7375
Dennis Pyle (R) 785-296-7379
Vicki Schmidt (R) 785-296-7374
Caryn Tyson (R) 785-296-6838

FOR HB2292

1. Call the House Committee on Education Chair, Ron Highland. Strongly, but respectfully urge him to move HB2292 forward to a vote in his committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.

(916) 319-2018

2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on HB2292.

Jerry Lunn (R) Vice Chair 785 296-7675
Valdenia Winn (D) 785 296-7657
John Barker (R) 785 296-7674
Tony Barton (R) 785-296-7522
Sue Boldra (R) 785 296-4683
John Bradford (R) 785 296-7653
Carolyn Bridges (D) 785 296-7649
Rob Bruchman (R) 785 296-7644
Diana Dierks (R) 785 296-7642
Willie Dove (R) 785 296-7658
John Ewy (R) 785 296-7105
Amanda Grosserode (R) 785 296-7659
Dennis Hedke (R) 785 296-7699
Nancy Lusk (D) 785 296-7651
Charles Macheers (R) 785 296-7675
Marc Rhoades (R) 785 296-7671
Charles Smith (R) 785-296-7522
Ed Trimmer (D) 785 296-7122

-Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days.   Make sure to follow-up. If they say YES, be sure to thank them and, if possible, announce their committed YES vote to email and social media contacts. If they say no, politely ask them why. Get the information from them and contact us.

-Spread the Word. Share this information widely by facebook, twitter, email and other social networks.


-Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below