In 2009, Governor Baldacci signed LD1159 into law, which authorized industrial hemp farming and production provided that Federal law authorized the same. LD4 and LD119 were introduced for 2015, removing that requirement and authorizing full-scale hemp production in Maine without federal permission.

STATUS: LD4 and LD119 are in the Joint Agriculture, Conservation And Forestry Committee. They will need to pass through this committee successfully before they can receive full votes in the legislature.

YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW to make sure the legislation has the support it needs to move forward.

1. Call the Joint Agriculture, Conservation And Forestry Committee Co-Chairs, Peter Edgecomb and Craig Hickman. Strongly, but respectfully urge him to move these important bills forward to a vote in their committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.

NOTE: Many legislators share the same phone line. Be sure to ask for them by name while calling.

Edgecomb: (207) 287-1505
Hickman: (207) 287-4469

2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on LD4 and LD119.

NOTE: Many legislators share the same phone line. Be sure to ask for them by name while calling.

James Dill (D) (207) 287-1505
Thomas Saviello (R) (207) 287-1515
Russell Black (R) (207) 287-4469
Ralph Chapman (D) (207) 287-4469
Michelle Dunphy (D) (207) 287-4469
Anthony Edgecomb (R) (207) 287-4469
MaryAnne Kinney (R) (207) 287-4469
Donald Marean (R) (207) 287-4469
Carol McElwee (R) (207) 287-4469
William Noon (D) (207) 287-4469
Robert Saucier (D) (207) 287-4469

3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Make sure to follow-up. If they say YES, be sure to thank them and, if possible, announce their committed YES vote to email and social media contacts. If they say no, politely ask them why. Get the information from them and contact us.

4. Attend the Committee Hearing. LD4 and LD119 are scheduled for committee hearings on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. The address is as follows:

Cross State Office Building
Room 214
111 Sewall St.
Augusta, Maine

5. Spread the Word. Share this information widely by facebook, twitter, email and other social networks.


6. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below