Some people want you to believe that the Constitution is in good hands because Republicans control a large majority of state legislatures. This couldn’t be further from the truth.


Republicans in South Dakota killed a bill to reject Common Core.

Republicans in Arizona killed a bill to protect the 4th Amendment.

Republicans in Arkansas have no problem helping enforce Obamacare, as long as the Supreme Court says subsidies in state exchanges are ok.

Republicans in Mississippi killed bills to protect the 4th and 2nd Amendments, and others to stop Agenda 21 and Drone spying.

Republicans in New Hampshire voted down a bill that would have banned the state from helping enforce an M855 ammo ban.

Republicans in North Dakota killed a bill to reject Common Core.

Republicans in Wyoming’s Senate voted to let drones be used to spy – without warrant.

Republicans in South Carolina won’t even consider a bill that bans the state from helping enforce Obamacare.

If the Constitution was in good hands because of this political party being in the majority of so many states, all of these bills would be passing with flying colors. And the ones we are working to get through wouldn’t be met with heavy republican resistance and every turn.

Michael Boldin