This is today’s Tenther newsletter, which everyone in the nullification movement gets daily or weekly. Be one of them

As you may already know, we’re full-swing into “Nullification Season” for 2017. This is the early part of the year when most state legislatures are active – and when we see bills to advance liberty and reject federal power being introduced and considered.

There doesn’t seem to be any slowdown in the number of bills filed – compared to the massive amount we saw in the last 2-3 years. This is a good thing, as we’re facing 100+ years of massive federal growth. There are literally thousands upon tens of thousands of unconstitutional federal acts, rules, orders and regulations that need to be eliminated.

If there’s going to be a true constitutional resurgence – a “draining of the swamp” – it’s essential for states to be more involved in that effort than ever.

I wanted to give you a quick update on what we’ve been watching here in the last few weeks – and what we’re planning next. Also, it’s my hope that you’ll see great value to the work we do here at TAC, and consider a monthly membership with us today. It starts at just 2 bucks a month and you’ll find the details on how to do that below.

Here’s an overview of what’s going on so far:

  • Right to Keep and Bear Arms: 11 bills to set the foundation to nullify federal gun control. And another 14 to reduce or eliminate state restrictions on our natural right.
  • Mass Surveillance: 2 bills to completely turn off all “material support or resources” to warrantless federal spying programs. Plus another 31 bills to protect privacy locally and help hinder various federal surveillance programs; data sharing, license plate tracking, stingrays, and more.
  • Obamacare: 6 bills to withdraw from some of all of the ACA. This is essential to help bring it to it’s much-needed end, especially if the establishment republicans in Congress refuse to do the job.
  • Sound Money: 6 bills to eliminate roadblocks to using gold and silver as they should be, as currency.
  • Common Core: 11 bills to help end the implementation of this federally-backed, funded, and pushed national education scheme.
  • Asset Forfeiture: 15 bills to stop government from taking people’s property without a conviction, AND to close or eliminate a federal forfeiture loophole known as “equitable sharing.” This is just plain stealing and it needs to end.
  • There are also bills already filed to take on EPA regulations, a federal ban on industrial hemp farming, indefinite detention, and more.


We’re posting a TON of reports every week right now, and if you want to keep up with everything, the best way is to add TAC to your RSS Feed Reader.  (click here)

OR, the TAC Daily Digest will give you the highlights of what we’re reporting on throughout the week. If you’re not getting that yet, you can update your profile here (see the checkbox at the bottom to add the Digest to your email subscription)  


As I mentioned above, it’s my hope that you’ll see these efforts as a good reason to financially support us here at the Tenth Amendment Center.   It takes a lot of time and resources to research hundreds of bills, report on them, and track them as they move through the legislative process.  We have a skeleton crew – a small team of people working a LOT of time for very little money – along with volunteers pitching in when they can to fill in the gaps.

Our monthly membership program has allowed us to do more than we ever thought possible. In fact, we’ve seen more nullification bills introduced – and PASSED – in the last 2 years than at any time in history. With your help, we’re going to build on that in 2017 and the years to come.

Will you help us with a monthly membership today?  Here’s the link:


More bills are still being filed and we expect the bulk of that activity to be done sometime in February. However, there’s a lot more that needs to be done.  In general, bills go through around 10 stages before they get to the Governor’s desk.  And we’ll be reporting on and supporting as many good ones as we’re able to.

We should start seeing a number of these going to initial committee hearings this week, with some early votes to happen shortly after. Stay tuned, we’ll be updating on news – both good and bad – as it comes in.

Thanks again for supporting the Tenth Amendment Center!

Concordia res parvae crescunt
(small things grow great by concord)

PS  If you prefer to make a one-time donation to support us, you can do so at this link. Also, there are options for memberships on a yearly, 5-year and lifetime basis. Visit this link for details.

Michael Boldin