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7 lies? It took me just moments to come up with these.  That means there are way more than seven.

Even though there are few tough ones, I’m pretty sure you can smash these lies as easily as I can.

(1) The Constitution’s “general Welfare” clause means Congress can pass whatever it wants to supposedly “help” people around the country.

(2) A President is authorized to get involved in a foreign war without authorization from Congress, as long as it’s for no more than 60 days.

(3) Nullification is code word for “supporting slavery.”

(4) The government can conduct surveillance on anyone as long as they are doing so to protect “national security.”

(5) States are required to help the federal government enforce or enact federal “laws” or regulatory programs.

(6) James Madison opposed nullification, in every situation.

(7) Alexander Hamilton is the founder we should pay attention to more than anyone else.

Ask yourself, can you really give a strong answer to all of these?

If you can, I’m sure you know someone else who can’t.

Either way, we’ve published over TEN THOUSAND articles, blogs, news reports, podcasts and videos to smash these kinds of lies to bits.

That’s a ton of information that we’ve shared over the last 11 years.

We work to educate people on the proper role of government under the Constitution, and activate them to reject, resist and nullify all unconstitutional acts.

Nothing helps us get this work done more than the support of our members. And now through Monday night, we’re taking up to 50 percent off the price of our annual, 5-year and lifetime memberships.

We’ve got a LOT of work yet to do, but with your help, we can build a strong foundation for the Constitution and Liberty.

Join us:
-Michael Boldin, TAC

Michael Boldin