Today is day 572 that the GOP has failed to repeal Obamacare, or gun control, or end mass, warrantless surveillance.

People who support the constitution and liberty – are often told that they’re better off supporting republicans over democrats. But on a number of the major issues we cover – things haven’t gotten better – they haven’t even stayed the same. They’ve gotten worse.

Michael Boldin and Mike Maharrey talk about federal spending, federal gun control, war powers – and even calls for government censorship.



JOIN TAC, Support the Constitution and liberty:

Federal Spending Gets Worse with Every Administration

Trump Administration Ramps Up Enforcement of Federal Gun Control

44,000 Bombs in 2017: The Result of Ignoring the Constitution on War

Poll: 43% of Republicans Favor Giving President Power to Unilaterally Close News Outlets



Mike Maharrey