Tenther Tuesday

Taking on the Fed and Federal Surveillance: Tenther Tuesday Episode 46
With the Federal Reserve signaling more inflation and the national debt ballooning to extreme levels, efforts to support sound money and undermine the Fed’s monopoly on money are even more important. On today’s Tenther Tuesday, Michael Boldin and Mike...
Kicking Off Nullification Season: Tenther Tuesday Episode 45
While we’d like to see the federal “shutdown” expand to other unconstitutional federal programs like gun control and warrantless surveillance, we can’t count on the feds to ever stop. So it’s up to the states and the people. On...
It’s Definitely Not “Affordable.” Tenther Tuesday Episode 44
Today is day 710th that the GOP has failed to get rid of federal gun control, or end mass, warrantless surveillance – or repeal Obamacare. ‘ Republicans promised the badly misnamed “Affordable” Care Act was going to be “gone on day one” The...
Nullification Works: CBD Edition
TAC memberships help us produce more educational tools like this. Members can download this video and read the full transcript here. CBD has gone mainstream. It’s available in thousands of products and even gets regular coverage in establishment publications...