“A free people claim their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.”

That’s how Thomas Jefferson put it in 1774. And it truly stands the test of time.

Rights are not gifts from government.

They don’t come from documents, or courts, or legislation – or anything of the like.

But this essential principle is increasingly lost on a general public more concerned with the political soap opera of the day rather than the fact that both major parties have aggressively attacked the Constitution and liberty for decades.

And what they’ve left, they treat as government-granted privileges – not rights.

It’s not liberty if it comes with a government permission slip.

As the great revolutionary leader James Otis, Jr. put it, “When our rights are invaded, it is high time to throw aside prudence.”

We are so thankful to have the Founders’ wisdom available to us today – and for the ability to share this kind of information with more and more people every day.

We couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to defend liberty at its time of maximum danger.

Thank you so much for being here. We are so incredibly grateful for your support! Our memberships start as little as 2 bucks a month. Seriously – we make 2 bucks go a long way.

**Here’s a link for you to sign up, you know what to do!

We’ve got a LOT of work yet to do, but with your help, we can continue building a strong foundation for the Constitution and Liberty.

Michael Boldin