Before the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin had a bold idea to unite the colonies – an idea most people have never heard of. In 1754, just before the Albany Congress, he published his famous “Join or Die” cartoon, symbolizing his forgotten call for colonial unity. Although it was rejected, Franklin believed this plan could have changed the course of American history.

Path to Liberty: September 23, 2024

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T-Shirt: JOIN OR DIE (men’s here) (women’s here)

Tom Hand – Americana Corner

Timothy J. Shannon, Gettysburg College – via Bill of Rights Institute

James Caldwell –

Benjamin Franklin – Letter to James Parker (20 Mar 1751)

Natelson – Did the Iroquois Confederation influence the Constitution?

The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Law of Peace

Indian treaties printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762

Join or Die (9 May 1754)

Constitution Center – The story behind the Join or Die snake cartoon

Benjamin Franklin – Letter to Richard Partridge (8 May 1754)

Dept of State, Office of the Historian

Short Hints towards a Scheme for Uniting the Northern Colonies (8 June 1754)

Committee: Short Hints towards a Scheme for a General Union of the British Colonies on the Continent (28 June 1754)

The Albany Plan of Union (10 July 1754)

Natelson – The Albany Plan of Union: Another Predecessor to the Constitution

John Adams – Letter to Thomas Jefferson (10 Nov 1787)

Steven Pincus – Confederal Union and Empire: Placing the Albany Plan (1754) in Imperial Context

Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson (29 Dec 1754)

Benjamin Franklin – Letter to Governor William Shirley (22 Dec 1754)

Episode – Mercantilism Before the Tea Party: Forgotten Grievance of the Revolution

William Clarke – Letter to Benjamin Franklin (3 Feb 1755)

Intended Vindication and Offer from Congress to Parliament (before 21 July 1775)

James Madison – Letter to John Adams (7 Aug 1818)

James Madison – Origins of the Constitutional Convention (Dec 1835)

Benjamin Franklin – Remark (9 Feb 1789)

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