The Republicans Are Already At It

They are vowing to put a stop to Obama’s phony Afghanistan withdrawal. This is how elections work. In 2000, Bush wins promising a more humble foreign policy. He expands the warfare state. In 2006, the Democrats win promising a more humble national security policy....

What If This Were Bush?

cross-posted from The Beacon It goes without saying that if Bush had presided over a phony end to the Iraq war, expanded the Afghanistan war, extended its reach into Pakistan, solidified the state secrets doctrine and claimed in no uncertain terms the right to...

Abolish the TSA

This latest outrage just reminds us of the folly of government airline security. Supposedly there to protect us against terrorists, the TSA works with police and law enforcement agencies when it detects behavior it deems suspicious—which in many cases can lead to...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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