“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
On May 17th, Arizona Tea Party activist, Steve Weston, was interviewed on a Blog Talk Radio show called, Crossroads with Van. I hope you will check out the show and tune in often! This particular interview introduced the topic of state nullification and addressed...
While watching The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News recently, I heard Dennis Miller say to Bill O’Reilly that President Obama is “my commander in chief.” Ummm…no he’s not Dennis. Now someone might accuse me of being hypercritical, but I assure you,...
Before the ink used to draft the new Constitution was even dry, the plot subvert it had already been hatched…Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo introduces you to the the primary conspirators. http://media.mises.org/mp3/asc2011/S12_ASC2011_01_DiLorenzo.mp3Podcast: Play...
Casey’s central argument against what he views as our misreading of the Constitution, betrays both his ignorance of the history surronding the Constitution and the rules of legal interpretation that were understood very well by the those who framed and ratified...
Outraged over efforts in the Arizona State Legislature to nullify unconstitutional federal commands and prohibitions, a growing number of Pima County residents and even a few of their state legislators are proposing that they be permitted to break away from the rest...