Why Nullification?

How does a nation of sovereign people who believe in the fundamental principles of liberty, create a government that will not infringe on the natural rights of the creators of such a government? Let me take you on a brief history lesson to explain. This federal system...

Cheerleader or Jeerleader?

I’m hearing a lot of ruckus about the presidential election.  People on the left blindly defending Barack Obama; people on the right blindly criticizing him.  I have heard plenty of stories on this topic. Amongst them “We need to do a recall” “Sign this petition to...

Andrew Cuomo, Get a Clue!

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is requesting $30 billion in federal aid to rebuild after Superstorm Sandy, which heavily damaged parts of New York City and Long Island. “The administration will seek a supplemental appropriation to cover infrastructure, repair and emergency...