Victory: Facial Recognition Stopped in Two More Cities
Mass, warrantless surveillance – a new ban in the East – and an extra push brings down a massive program in another West Coast city. Plus hackers have successfully tricked an airport and payment system running on facial recognition. Path to Liberty:...
Signed as Law: California Bans Facial Recognition on Police Body Cameras
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Oct. 9, 2019) – Yesterday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that bans police from using facial recognition and biometric scanners with body-worn cameras for the next three years. The law will not only help protect privacy in...
To the Governor: California Bill Would Ban Facial Recognition on Police Body Cameras
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Sept. 13, 2019) – On Thursday, the California Assembly gave final approval to a bill that would ban police from using facial recognition and biometric scanners with body-worn cameras for the next three years. The proposed law would not only help...