If you think for one second that the federal reserve is an "independent institution," I've got some mountaintop property here in Florida to sell you. @mmaharrey10th#EndtheFed #liberty #10thAmendment #politics #libertarian #truth pic.twitter.com/L7s22qWnvS
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) November 26, 2021
Federal Reserve Independence Is a Silly Myth
President Joe Biden recently announced he is appointing Jerome Powell for a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. Biden said he valued Powell’s “independence.” This perpetuates a silly myth – that the Fed is an “independent...Think about how crazy it is that the economy is being driven by words spoken by politically-connected central bankers. This is not a free market at all. @mmaharrey10th#EndTheFed pic.twitter.com/dsi8FCnT0m
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) September 22, 2021
The Most Important Fed Meeting Ever!
Federal Reserve meetings are getting to be a lot like elections. Every one is the most important one ever! This should raise some significant questions in your mind. Primarily, why do politically connected central bankers have so much influence? Think about how crazy...
The Fed, Spending, Debt and More: Warnings from Thomas Jefferson
When it came to sound economic policy, Thomas Jefferson was outspoken for decades. From opposing a central bank, to keeping debt down and rejecting paper money “as the ghost of money,” we all have plenty to learn from the Sage of Monticello. Path to...