The Real Revolution: James Otis vs the Writs of Assistance
The revolution started years before the war commenced – a change in the views and sentiments of the people. And we can trace the beginning of the controversy between Great Britain and America to James Otis Jr, and his arguments against the Writs of Assistance in...
Totally Dissolved: The Lee Resolution and Independence
June 7, 1776: Following instructions from Virginia’s Fifth Revolutionary Convention, Richard Henry Lee introduced a resolution in the Second Continental Congress to declare independence, along with a call to form foreign alliances, and a “plan for...
Free and Independent States! Going Beyond the Declaration
Two declarations, one pamphlet – and a timeless speech from the Father of the American Revolution – going beyond the Declaration of July 4, 1776 for this special Independence Day episode. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: July 3, 2020...