Republicans want you to believe they care about a balanced budget, but they really just want to spend a lot of money like their fellow Democrats. @mmaharrey10th
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) December 9, 2021
Partisan hackery blinds people to the deeper and more fundamental problems in American politics. @mmaharrey10th#truth #politics #liberty #constitution #libertarian #10thAmendment
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) November 9, 2021
Blinded By Partisan Hackery
It’s not just a matter of getting the right party or person in power. The problems we face are systemic and tend to continue no matter what party is in power. Inflation is a perfect example. Partisan hackery blinds people to the deeper and more fundamental...
Riding the Red and Blue Waves
A lot of people were very excited about Republican electoral victories in the November election, particularly in Virginia. But if your priority is liberty and the Constitution, it would be wise not to get too caught up in the red wave, or the blue wave for that...
Beware of Fake “Resistance” to Mandates
Politics, as Richard Henry Lee put it, is “the science of fraud.” And when it comes to resisting new federal mandates, expect plenty of that science. In this episode, learn the top-4 ways politicians pretend to be on the side of the Constitution and liberty. Path to...