Founding Fathers Warn of a National Debt Doomsday!
America is drowning in debt – and teetering on the brink. We’ve just hit a new, unthinkable milestone: a national debt of $35 trillion. This isn’t just a number; it’s a ticking time bomb. The Founding Fathers warned us about this “public...
The “Evils of Paper Money” Have No End: The Founders Warned us Why
The Founding Fathers were deeply worried about the dangers of paper money, because they lived them first hand. On this episode, learn 4 key ways the founders warned us about the dangers of paper money – dangers we’re still living through today! Path to...
Did the Founders Ignore their own Warnings on Consolidation?
Consolidation – we were warned – would guarantee a destruction of liberty. But many founders seemed to believe they could pull off a “proper” or “partial” consolidation and not get a system of “unremitted despotism.” Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition:...