One of the main obstacles to getting the “tenther” movement and the message of freedom to spread is that too many people claim they are for freedom on some issues (guns, taxes), but simultaneously claim to be anti-freedom on others (marijuana, gay-marriage).

Our two-party political system has raised people to believe that based on which party you subscribe to, you are supposed to advocate for either the federal government to get out of the way in regard to things that you like and to get in the way of people doing things that you don’t like. This is the essence of the problem. To truly embrace freedom and the tenth amendment movement, people need to start opposing federal involvement in EVERY area that is not authorized under the Constitution and not only in the activities which they personally disapprove.

For example, I know many republicans who constantly decry government interference in gun ownership and business, but practically BEG for it when it comes to banning gay marriage and drug use. The same goes for the other side; I know many democrats who say that government needs to get out of the way when it comes to marijuana and gays in the military, but they decry any attempt to lift the federal ban on abortion and/or repeal federal gun laws. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Personally, I am not a drug user and personally oppose marijuana. However, I adamantly oppose federal regulation of the substance and fail to see how others using it affects me in any meaningful way. To be consistent in my support of freedom, I have learned to oppose federal regulation, even of activities that I do not like nor participate in. This is the point of a free society.

Like Michael Boldin often says, we need to embrace an “every issue, every time” mindset when it comes to the Tenth Amendment. We should support freedom for ALL issues and let the states/people decide LOCALLY what is best for them and their communities.

The two-party system continues to divide and conquer us on and issue-by-issue basis, propagating an us-versus-them mentality in order to herd us like sheep toward a particular political party. Prove to them that this won’t work any longer by opposing federal intervention in ANY area that is not authorized in the Constitution! Support freedom by being consistent in your defense of liberty, regardless of the issue!

Jason Greene
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