Firearms Freedom Act introduced in Virginia

Introduced by Virginia Delegate Charles Carrico, Sr is House Bill 1731 (HB1731), the Firearms Freedom Act (FFA). The bill declares that: firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition that are manufactured commercially or privately in Virginia, and that remain within...

Sovereignty for Indiana?

Introduced by Indiana State Senators Thomes and Kruse, Senate Concurrent Resolution 7 (SCR0007) is a legislative statement “claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers, serving notice to the federal...

Idaho Governor: We Are Considering Nullification

Regarding the Obama health program, Governor Butch Otter recently said: “We are actively exploring all our options – including nullification.”  Governor Otter, whom I met for breakfast in November, has in fact read my book on this.  We’ll see what happens. (Thanks to...

Tenthers to the Right and Tenthers to the Left

While a barrage of state-level legislation on health freedom, firearms freedom and the like give many people the impression that Tenther ideology is somehow the exclusive purview of the political right, they often forget that state-level resistance to the 2005 Real ID...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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