In Florida tonight, voters failed to pass a proposed state constitutional amendment to ban insurance mandates.

Amendment 1 reads in part:

“HEALTH CARE SERVICES.—Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to prohibit laws or rules from compelling any person or employer to purchase, obtain, or otherwise provide for health care coverage; permit a person or an employer to purchase lawful health care services directly from a health care provider; permit a health care provider to accept direct payment from a person or an employer for lawful health care services; exempt persons, employers, and health care providers from penalties and taxes for paying directly or accepting direct payment for lawful health care services; and prohibit laws or rules from abolishing the private market for health care coverage of any lawful health care service.”

It required approval by 60% or greater, and with 89% reporting, the tally was
NO      51.7%   3,499,436
Yes     48.3%   3,268,424

One of the biggest swing states in this year’s presidential election, voters seemed to be too preoccupied with media propaganda supporting the SCOTUS decision as well as false propaganda from both Republicans and Democrats on Medicare and Medicaid.

There is still hope for Florida, though.  Nullification is the answer.  Floridians can still Nullify Obamacare in their county or town using model legislation from the Tenth Amendment Center found here.


To get involved in leading a health care nullification movement in your state, click HERE.

For more information on health freedom legislation across the U.S., click HERE.

For information on health care nullification legislation, click HERE.

For model health care nullification legislation, click HERE.

John Michaels
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