Remember the guy in Portland Oregon who went naked at the TSA checkpoint to protest the federal frisking policy?
I see he has been fined $1,000.Β And get this: the TSA said they fined him for breaking their rules.Β THEIR rules?Β Apparently they have a series of rules that We the People must follow: “no person may interfere with, assault, threaten, or intimidate screening personnel in the performance of their screening duties.”Β (What was a naked man threatening them with, one must wonder. But I digress.)
And now for some humor.Β The TSA representative said “All of TSAβs policies and procedures comport with the law and the Constitution.”
I have my Constitution out. I don’t see any delegated power indicating the feds may fondle people for simply wanting to travel.Β Ah, here it is, in the Fourth Amendment.Β “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, paper, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Oh, wait! That appears to be exactly the opposite of what the TSA does.
The TSA’s annual budget runs over $5 billion per year.Β Seems like that might be a place to cut the budget.Β Defund and dismantle the TSA.Β It executes its lawlessness on the American people very personally, every day.
- County Republican Party Gets it Right on the 10th Amendment - June 26, 2014
- More Hysteria Over a Natural Right - September 19, 2013
- Americans Asleep - September 6, 2013