On Monday, William Binney was a guest on the Alex Jones Show. Since he’s a major whistleblower and the former chief technical director of the NSA, I thought it would be good to call in to talk about the OffNow plan to deny the spying giant the water it needs to perpetually violate the 4th Amendment.

I was fortunate enough to get on the program and pose a question to Binney and Jones. The topic of denying the NSA resources at the state level had already been broached so I asked a followup question to the prior discussion. Here it is:

Alex Jones has the right idea on this issue. Even if the feds do come in and steal the resources outright after they are denied to them at the state level, it will work to our advantage. The feds will have to rip the vale off, and expose themselves as tyrants acting illegally against the will of the people. The media frenzy and national stir that this would create would be another black eye for the already-disgraced NSA as well.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s challenge the NSA and their spying system immediately with state-level action. Don’t be afraid to cause a commotion. History is rarely made without doing so. It is exactly what our country needs right now. Join the resistance, and show the feds once and for all that infringements upon your privacy rights will not be tolerated.