Left Wing Nationalism

Historicism, as this humble author understands it, is the belief that nations advance along a pre-selected historical timeline towards there eventual end. It assumes that each nation is locked into its path to its endpoint and that there is nothing anyone can do about...

Nullifying the FCC

With the recent decision to set the internet free by controlling it more decision by the FCC I wonder if it is time to nullify the FCC. The FCC basically regulates the airwaves by handing out licenses that allow local broadcasters to use certain radio frequencies....

What is Political Correctness?

Political correctness is a term thrown around by everyone today when one side insists on having its own opinion on anything. They then accuse the other of being to politically correct which is another way of saying “I’ve failed to convince you of my point of view and...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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