How the 17th Amendment Ruined the Senate

How the 17th Amendment Ruined the Senate

With the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill to repeal Obamacare flaming out, not even getting a vote, one might wonder whether it was a lousy bill or if something else were amiss. As the bill seemed like pretty decent legislation, its failure to get a vote may be due to...

Obamacare’s Tangled Web

In “Pimento,” the ninth episode of Better Call Saul, AMC’s new series about an unethical trial lawyer, Chuck McGill heatedly accuses his shyster brother Jimmy of not being “a real lawyer.” Chuck then exclaims: “The law is sacred!” Americans who cling to that “quaint”...

A ‘Perspicacious’ Reading of ObamaCare

It’s amusing to hear Democrats squawk about the possibility that their grand scheme for taking over the American health care system could be knocked down by the Supreme Court because of a strict reading of ObamaCare when President Obama, Democrats in Congress, the...