
Despite Historically High Tax Receipts Feds Still Digger Deeper into Debt
The federal government is rolling in dough. But it’s digging itself deeper into debt. How can this be? U.S. tax receipts surged this year. Through August, the U.S. Treasury had collected over $4.4 trillion in revenue for fiscal 2022 with one month left to go...."Virtually every penny that the feds spend is for unconstitutional programs." #taxationistheft @mmaharrey10th pic.twitter.com/DEWYev3Vrp
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) October 1, 2020
The Real Problem With Trump’s Taxes
President Donald Trump’s tax returns were recently leaked. A lot of people are pretty upset about how little tax it appears the president has paid. But to be honest, I’m not upset about that at all. What upsets me is the fact that any of us are writing...
Taxes Are the Price We Pay?
A lot of you might not realize that tax day was July 15. The government pushed the date back from April 15 due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, we got a little reprieve in the spring. But as they say, nothing is certain but death and taxes. The grim reaper and the...
The Stealth Tax Increase Buried in Your Trump Tax Cut
Your Trump tax cut isn’t going to be quite as big as you might have thought. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, a new inflation measurement included in the GOP plan and recently implemented by the IRS will cut into your tax cut savings in 2019. Ron Paul...