Feds Are Rich, Taxpayers Are Poor

The average federal “worker” makes twice as much as the average taxpayer, not counting plush federal benefits which are even more unbalanced. It is almost as bad at the state, county, and local levels. Wherever you look, the host is being sucked dry by the parasite,...

Sauce for the Goose

This is a conservative YouTube, but it makes a great point. The sort of criticisms and oooh-scary signs about Obama common to the Tea Party movement are put in the shade by what the left had to say about Bush. Of course, I’m in the happy position of agreeing with both...

Dora the Census Explorer

Children, spy on your family. BTW, funny to see the constant stress in census propaganda about “getting good things for our town, like day care centers and schools.” That is, in return for your written nudo-scan, politically connected businessmen can get richer...

Nullification in the NY Times

A fair reference to Tom Woods in the NY Times? And on states rights and nullification? Amazing: “Everything we’ve tried to keep the federal government confined to rational limits has been a failure, an utter, unrelenting failure — so why not try something else?” said...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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