Scalia: ‘No Right To Secede’

So many official conservatives fall into the category of double agents for the regime: Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Glenn Beck, and so on. And here Antonin Scalia denies secession. He is replying to a screenwriter’s query about a possible court case on secession: I am...

Eeek, a Dissident Idea

The most important job of regime intellectuals of all stripes, besides promoting wars past, present, and future, and anything else that enhances the glory, power, and centralization of the state, is to smear opponents. Here Salon attacks Tom DiLorenzo and Tom Woods...

Chris Matthews Smears Debra Medina

Why, she can’t be for (the Principles of 1798 as enunciated in Jefferson and Madison’s Virginia and Kentucky Resolves) nullification and interposition! Who does she think she is, John C. Calhoun? That’s Jim Crow, says the ignorant and evil regime shill Matthews....

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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