Incorporation Doctrine
An Insult to the 9th Amendment?
Damon Root at thinks the recent Dobbs decision is an “insult to the 9th Amendment.” His position is based on two faulty premises: 1. That “originalism” is based on what the opponents of the Constitution worried the document would do...Incorporation: Applying the Bill of Rights to the States
Incorporation – the legal doctrine whereby the Supreme Court applies the Bill of Rights to the states, was not part of the original, legal meaning of the Constitution. Instead, it arose out of the 14th Amendment, and the court first started applying it...The power to "guarantee liberty" quickly turns into a power to control. @mmaharrey10th
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) December 14, 2021
A Power to Control
Most Americans want the federal government to “guarantee” their rights. In pursuit of this goal, they use the federal courts to “enforce” the federal Bill of Rights at the state level. The founding generation rejected this scenario. As Delaware...Here's something that should be obvious, but isn't: You cannot centralize power - for liberty. @mmaharrey10th#liberty #constitution #decentralize #libertarian #10thAmendment
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) May 27, 2021