Court Cases

States Can Check Federal Power: Anti-Commandeering Explained
Government-run schools never teach that states have the power to stop federal programs simply by refusing to implement or enforce them. James Madison gave us the blueprint, and the supreme court has repeatedly upheld it as the anti-commandeering doctrine for over 180...
Wealth Taxes and the Direct-Indirect Tax Controversy
The challenge over realized but undistributed corporate income in the Supreme Court case of Moore v. United States is said to be an opening skirmish on the constitutionality of a potential federal wealth tax. Proponents claim a wealth levy is within the constitutional...
Supreme Court Just Helped out the Real Colorado
Here is something you might not realize if you never venture outside the Denver-Boulder metroplex or if you are part of the state’s benighted “progressive” ruling class: Colorado is not Massachusetts or New York. Most of the state is economically and culturally part...
Correcting Biden’s False Statement on the Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Decision
Don’t be misled by President Biden’s statement on the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity. As reported in The Hill, Biden stated: “For all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president...