John Marshall

Today in History: John Marshall Nominated as Chief Justice
Today in 1801, John Marshall was appointed the Chief Justice of the United States by President John Adams. Nominated at a time of severe partisan discord, Adams hoped Marshall’s appointment would help to counteract the influence of the Jeffersonian Republicans and...
Chief Justice John Marshall: The feds have no power over your health care!
At a time when the federal government, and especially the president, have declared that they will dictate health decisions to nearly every American, it is worthwhile to remember the words of our greatest Chief Justice—John Marshall. In reading his comment, you should...
Today in History: John Marshall Becomes Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Today in 1801, John Marshall was appointed the Chief Justice of the United States by President John Adams. Nominated at a time of severe partisan discord, Adams hoped Marshall’s appointment would help to counteract the influence of the Jeffersonian Republicans and...
John Marshall, the Commerce Clause and Gibbons v Ogden
While supporters – and opponents – of the monster state often point to 3 New Deal era cases as pivotal for expansion of federal power under the Commerce Clause, it’s important to go even further back, to 1824, and John Marshall’s landmark opinion in...