“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
After having been reviewed multiple times since January 31st 2011, the Pennsylvania Senate passed Senate Bill 10 (SB10) by a vote of 29-19. The bill is a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania which would prohibit any government...
The mood of New Hampshire’s legislature concerning an overstepping federal government is clearly illustrated in NH HB1650. In no uncertain terms, the representatives of the people of New Hampshire have made clear their thoughts on the role of the United States...
The 2011 regular session of the Kentucky State Legislature came to an abrupt end Wednesday, killing any hope of passing one of the several state sovereignty bills still pending. Senate President David Williams (R-Burkesville) ended the session 12 days early, a...
Fairly decent coverage of the debate over Arizona SB 1433 was provided by Cronkite News recently. I’d say it’s not nearly as biased as the usual media reports. Arizona State Senator Gallardo however, obviously doesn’t understand state nullification....
It looks like another hot button issue will be coming to the forefront of American politics this year as the Senate is planning on tackling immigration. You may recall that President George W. Bush tried to tackle this issue with the Democratic-controlled Congress in...
One history class enjoyed quite a spectacle Thursday as California lawmakers wearing bright smiling faces descended on their school to address the cameras- er, I mean students. From the Governor on down to several Mayors, all were eager to get a turn on the podium to...