“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Newsweek has put together a “Tax Attacks” propaganda piece. The gist of this piece is that Joseph Stack was one of many violent protesters who “believed taxes are unjustified,” and thus reacted with violent actions. Of course, anyone who believes that taxes are...
A provocative piece, as usual, from Glenn Greenwald. Definitely worth looking at… (h/t Lew Rockwell) Here’s an excerpt: Just think about this for a minute. Barack Obama, like George Bush before him, has claimed the authority to order American citizens...
Writes Lew Rockwell: The Anti-Federalists predicted that a “Supreme” Court would help pave the way towards tyranny. Now the Nine Creeps have agreed with the Dictator that if he or any of his army of highly paid dependents declares a person to be a suspected enemy...
by Chuck Baldwin By now, most readers are familiar with the story of how a Virginia couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, crashed the White House State Dinner last Tuesday evening. President and Mrs. Obama were entertaining Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the...
Judge Napolitano does an excellent job in this op-ed explaining the numerous ways in which using military tribunals on foreign soil to try alleged terrorists violates the Constitution. The casual use of the word “war” has lead to a mentality among the...
Ron Paul’s Senate-aspiring son takes some un-libertarian positions which causes controversy among the freedom movement. “Foreign terrorists do not deserve the protections of our Constitution,” said Dr. Paul. “These thugs should stand before military tribunals...