Republicans Have Nothing to Stand On

Joe Biden is about to take office and we will undoubtedly see a massive increase in the size and scope of government in the next four years. Socialism is dangerous whether it's republican-run – or from the democrats. @mmaharrey10th

Government Warning About the Problems It Created

The Federal Reserve issued a report this week warning about overvalued asset prices and the possibility of a wave of credit defaults due to the extreme levels of debt in the economy. What it didn’t mention is the fact that it created the very problems it is...
The (Tea) Party’s Over

The (Tea) Party’s Over

It was around this time 10 years ago that I became politically active. Yes, I was a product of the Tea Party. Sadly, that party is over. I remember those early days well. The movement was a reaction to the Obama administration and its out-of-control spending, along...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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