First off, thank you everyone that participated in calling and emailing House Representatives to get HB2573 – NDAA Nullification scheduled to a committee – it worked!!
The Liberty Preservation Act to stop NDAA “indefinite detention” in Arizona has been scheduled for a hearing this Thursday, 02/21/2013. The hearing will be at 8am in the Judiciary House Committee Room HHR4
The bill needs your immediate support to move forward – phone calls should be made right away!
Please contact all committee members to express your support for this legislation. We urge you to CALL. Email is better than nothing, but when a hearing is up on short notice, a phone call has far more impact.
Strongly, but respectfully, inform the committee members that you will accept nothing less than a YES vote on HB2573, which will allow the full state house to debate and vote on it as well.
You can call in the evenings as well. If you reach their voicemail, leave a message so their offices know first thing the next business morning that a large number of people support HB2573. In your voicemail, make sure to ask that they call you back so that you can speak to the legislator or staff directly.
for HB2573, Judiciary Committee
1. Call the Chairman, Vice-Chairman:
Eddie Farnsworth, Chairman | 602-926-5735
Justin Pierce, Vice-Chairman | 602-926-5495
2. Call the other Members
John Allen | 602-926-4916
Albert Hale | 602-926-4323
Lupe Contreras | 602-926-5284
Ethan Orr | 602-926-3235
Doris Goodale | 602-926-5408
Martin Quezada | 602-926-5911
3. Attend the Committee Hearing. Show your support for HB2573 and for due process by attending the hearing in person.
Make a public statement in support if the committee allows public testimony.
The hearing will be at 8am in the Judiciary House Committee Room HHR4
NDAA: Open Season for the Police State
Scary Potential in Sections 1021 and 1022
Note: while some believe that the 2013 NDAA eliminated indefinite detention, it does not. Dianne Feinstein introduced a very weak amendment to 2013 – and it failed anyway. 2012 indefinite detention provisions remain in tact – and the Obama administration is aggressively defending them in court.
- Arizona Senate Passes Bill to Authorize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender, 18-12 - February 24, 2014
- Arizona Action Alert: Help Pass The Strongest NDAA Nullification Bill in the Country - February 22, 2014
- Arizona Action Alert: Call NOW – It’s Do or Die For Anti-drone Bill - February 16, 2014