On January 20, SB2643 was introduced. The legislation would ban the state from implementing Obamacare, including the creation of an exchange and the expansion of medicaid. If passed in a number of states, Judge Andrew Napolitano has said this strategy would “gut Obamacare.” (learn more about the bill here)
STATUS: Referred to the Committee on Public Health and Welfare where it will need to pass by majority vote before it can be considered by the full Senate.
YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW to make sure the legislation has the support it needs to move forward.
1. Call your the Chair of the Committee. Be strong, but respectful. Urge them to support SB2643 and move the bill forward in their committee. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why.
A phone call holds as much as 10x the impact of an email.
The committee is chaired by Dean Kirby, Chairman (601) 359-3234
Vice-chaired by Hob Bryan, Vice-Chairman (601) 359-3237
2. Call all the other members of the Committee. Again, be strong but respectful. Ask them each for a YES vote on SB2643. If they say they’re opposed, ask them why. If they’re undecided or will not commit to a YES vote, let them know you will be following up in a few days after they have a chance to consider it.
Again, make sure to contact them with a phone call rather than an email.
David Blount, (601) 359-3232
Terry C. Burton, (601) 359-3234
Nancy Adams Collins, (601) 359-3209
Joey Fillingane, (601) 359-3246
Hillman Terome Frazier, (601) 359-3246
Josh Harkins, (601) 359-2886
W. Briggs Hopson III, (601) 359-3237
John Horhn, (601) 366-4293
Gary Jackson, (601) 359-3234
Kenneth Wayne Jones, (601) 359-3232
David Parker, (601) 359-2886
Rita Potts Parks, (601) 359-3232
Willie Simmons, (601) 359-3237
Tony Smith, (601) 359-2886
Melanie Sojourner, (601) 359-3250
Gray Tollison, (601) 359-3244
Brice Wiggins (601) 359-3232
3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be. Comment below or contact us with any information you get.
4. On Twitter? Retweet!
Help stop #Obamacare in #Mississippi! Support #SB2643 today! #msleg ACTION ITEMS HERE: http://t.co/RppCzv8eOm
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) January 27, 2014
5. Write a letter to the editor Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for SB2643. Following strong legal principles, it’s essential that Mississippi no longer help the federal government carry out the Affordable Care Act. Passing SB2643 will start that process.
6. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below
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