New York A06244 aims to protect against unwarranted drone surveillance on New York residents. The bill was Introduced by Assemblyman Luis R. SepĂșlveda and a companion bill has been introduced in the Senate, S06412.

It reads, in part: “no  person  or  entity  acting under color of the authority of any state, county, municipal or local governmental entity or  authority,  or acting  on  behalf  of any such entity or authority, shall use, operate, engage or employ an unmanned aerial vehicle as defined in  this  section to  gather  evidence or other information related to a criminal investigation, criminal case, or conduct in violation of regulation except when authorized under a warrant issued by a court of record or  justified  by  lawful exception to the warrant requirement.”

A06244 STATUS – Advanced to Assembly 3rd reading in 2013
01-18-14 – Referred back to the Assembly Codes Committee, where it will need to pass by majority vote.

S06412 STATUS – Referred to Senate Codes Committee, where it will need to pass by majority vote.

YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW to make sure the legislation has the support it needs to move forward.

1. Contact the Assembly Codes Committee Chairman.  Politely request that he schedule a hearing and vote on A06244.  Respectfully let him know you’d like to see that bill pass.

Contact information here:
Joseph Lentil 518-455-4477

2. Contact other members of the Committee. Be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on A06244. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call back in a few days.

Thomas Abinanti 518-455-5753
James Brennen 518-455-5377
Vivian Cook 518-455-4203
Steve Cymbrowitz 518-455-5214
Joseph Giglio 518-455-5241
Al Graf 518-455-5937
Charles Lavin 518-455-5456
Tom McKevitt 518-455-5341
Michael Montesano 518-455-4684
Walter Mosley 518-455-5325
Daniel O’Donnell 518-455-5603
Nick Perry 518-455-4166
Gary Pretlow 518-455-5291
Edward Ra 518-455-4627
Robin Schimminger 518-455-4767
Claudia Tenney 518-455-5334
Michele Titus 518-455-5668
Helene Weinstein 518-455-5462
David Weprin 518-455-5806
Keith Wright 518-455-4793
Kenneth Zebrowski 518-455-5735

3. Contact the Senate Codes Committee Chairman.  Politely request that he schedule a hearing and vote on S06412.  Respectfully let him know you’d like to see that bill pass.

Contact information here:
Michael F. Nozzolio (518) 455-2366

4. Contact all other members of the Committee. Be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on S06412. Let them know that you just want to see common sense restrictions on the use of drones, requiring a warrant for surveillance. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call back in a few days.

Phil Boyle (518) 455-3411
John A. DeFrancisco (518) 455-3511
Adriano Espaillat 518-455-2041
John J. Flanagan 518-455-2071
Patrick M. Gallivan 518-455-3471
Martin J. Golden (518) 455-2730
Brad Hoylman (518) 455-2451
Liz Krueger (518) 455-2297
Andrew J Lanza (518) 455-3215
Ted O’Brien (518) 455-2162
Thomas F. O’Mara 518-455-2091
Bill Perkins 518-455-2441
Daniel L. Squadron 518-455-2625

5.  Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days.  Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be.   Comment below or contact us with any information you get.

6. On Twitter?  Retweet!

7.  Write a letter to the editor Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for A06244. Following strong legal principles, it’s essential that New York no longer carry out unconstitutional drone surveillance. Passing A06244 will start that process.

8. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below

Adam Henriksen