“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

What does it mean, why did they think it was so important? And would we even have a constitution today if it weren’t for the 10th? All this and more.

Path to Liberty: April 15, 2020

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Tenth text 28 words

Jefferson Feb 15, 1791 opinion on the constitutionality of a national bank

10th Amendment Resource Page

Madison Report of 1800

Madison fed 45

Lash – more on federalists

Tench Coxe list of reserved powers

But WHY did they set it up like this?

Gordon wood on Pauline Maier’s Ratification Book

MA Ratification doc – 1st item

Mass ratifying convention – Fisher Ames on the first proposal

South Carolina May 1788

New Hampshire – first – June 21 1788

Virginia June 25 1788 – recommended bill of rights – and then amendments to the body

Virginia ratifying convention and the birth of the 10th amendment

New York July 26 1788

Samuel Adams to Elbridge Gerry Aug 22 1789

Samuel Adams to Richard Henry Lee Aug 24 1789

Lash original meaning of an omission – 68 pages popular sovereignty

Brion Mcclanahan 2009 article, why the 10th amendment

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Michael Boldin