Necessary and Proper: The Big Lie That Unleashed Big Government
“Undefined, unbounded, and immense power” – that’s what anti-federalists warned we’d eventually get under the Necessary and Proper Clause. Today, it’s easily one of the most twisted and abused parts of the Constitution. In this...
Ignore the Court? The Real Checks and Balances in the Founders Constitution
The Constitution is supreme – not acts of Congress, not a president’s views, and not court opinions. The Framers repeatedly affirmed this. So, who decides when the Constitution is violated? For the Founders, the answer was everyone. And that’s the key to what...
3 War Powers Myths That Totally Misrepresent the Constitution
“Until war is Constitutionally declared, the nation and all its members must observe and preserve peace.” That was John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States. But today, few people even understand what this means – or how Founders like Washington,...