George Washington

Cabinet Picks Clash: Washington’s Team and America’s First 2-Party System
“I would wish the debt paid tomorrow; he wishes it never to be paid, but always to be a thing wherewith to corrupt and manage the legislature.” This slapback from Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson was aimed squarely at Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton....
2 Ignored Warnings from George Washington’s Farewell Address
George Washington warned us – and we ignored him. In his Farewell Address, he gave crucial advice that’s been totally rejected for years, and today we’re paying the price. In this episode, learn about two of his most important warnings – that we can’t...
Cause and Solution: The Founders on Political Violence
“A frightful despotism” – that’s what George Washington predicted we’d get with a combo of factions and usurpation of power. But he was far from alone in warning against what leads to political violence. Ignoring their warnings – and solution – only...
No Permanent Alliances: Foreign Policy of Washington and Jefferson
George Washington: “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” Thomas Jefferson: “Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” Path to Liberty: April 24, 2024...