Not Every Federal Act is Supreme
Supporters of the monster state want you to believe that every action the federal government takes is “supreme.” This is nonsense! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tenth Amendment Center (@tenthamendmentcenter) For More Information Who’s...
Usurpations are Void. And Deserve to be Treated as Such.
The Constitution affirms important principles of the Revolution – that all power flows from the people, and any act beyond what they’ve delegated to the government is void. It’s just up to the people to treat those acts that way too. Path to Liberty: March 29,...
Federal Law is not “Always Supreme”
Even though most people seem to believe it – and the government definitely acts as if it were true, federal law is not “always supreme” – all the time. Arguing in support of that requires ignoring the words of the supremacy clause – and the history...