Civil War

Abolitionists for Nullification
Supporters of the monster state absolutely hate nullification. And they always conveniently ignore the fact that it was used by northern states to resist federal pro-slavery laws. On this episode, get a quick overview of those arguments – plus quotes from 3...
Today in History: Tariff of Abominations Signed as Law
Today in history, President John Quincy Adams signed the Tariff of 1828 into law. As a radical protectionist measure, the law became known in the South as the “Tariff of Abominations,” and widened the economic schism between the desires of northern industrialists and...
Speaking Truth on the History of “States’ Rights” and Slavery
Most people’s political convictions resemble those of Captain Renault from the classic film Casablanca; it blows with the wind, and the prevailing wind happens to be not entirely hostile to states’ rights. But that will likely change. That’s why it’s important that...
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Erroneously Reinvented the Union
Yesterday in 1863, Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address, a speech commonly considered one of the most recognized and commonly recited pieces of English text. Truthfully, Lincoln’s oratory served as an erroneous reinvention of the union that conflicted...