“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Today in 1777, the Republic of Vermont seceded from the state of New York and declared its independence as a new republican state. Thereafter, the fledgling republic acted as an independent sovereignty throughout the War of Independence and remained outside of the...
Of course, every establishment historian says tariffs were not a major issue in American history. See for example this episode of the Jon Stewart Show where a group of “esteemed” historians ganged up on the Judge. Except they were. Some know it, but when...
One review for my 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America complained about my inclusion of Abraham Lincoln. The crime? My “originalist” position falls apart when I start talking about secession. You see, to this fellow, the Constitution says nothing about...
By now, anybody who even casually follows the Tenther movement and the liberty movement in general has likely heard about the secession petitions circulating. Yesterday, I had personally gone from only hearing about Louisiana, to hearing my State of New Jersey had...
Interesting post over at Mother Jones, to say the least – and the principle definitely makes sense. Here’s an excerpt: Rachel’s case for secession wouldn’t find much common ground with Rick Perry, though; to her, breaking away would only be the...