“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Over at Reason, Damon Root asks, Will Liberals Learn to Love the 10th Amendment? He writes: Liberals today are more likely to view Scalia’s handiwork in a far more favorable light. That’s because Printz now serves as perhaps the single best legal precedent...
Regular readers of this blog will know that the answer to that question is a resounding YES! But for many people in America, particularly those on the left side of the political spectrum, the notion of states’ rights is as repulsive as it is misunderstood. Of...
A 10th Amendment Primer for Those Who Lean Left Once upon a time I eagerly tuned in to MSNBC on a nightly basis. I knew that there was something hideously wrong with the direction our country was in and at that time I believed that “if only Bush had not been elected...
Critics who mock us as “tenthers” because we share views identical with Thomas Jefferson repeatedly make a fatal error. They believe that we are the same as the beltway, neoconservative, GOP-loyal rightwing. For instance, check out Alan Colmes attempt at...